
  • Coding playgrounds

    A collection of online, coding environments for creating and sharing source code snippets. Tool support ranges from single-file programs to full-sized, progressive web apps with CDN dependencies and real-time, multi-user collabarative work environments. Most are free for basic usage, though many require accounts and paid subscription to activate advanced functionality.

  • Raining Javascript in The Tildeverse

    During a visit to the Tildeverse this week, I ran into a recreation of the raining, green characters from The Matrix films. The color palette used by most Tildeverse sites is monochrome, which I guess is sufficient for a cmdline-based culture.

  • Conditional Resource Inclusion for Jekyll

    Not every Jekyll post needs to load every javascript library. Use a header template containing liquid control flow tags, along with front-matter variables, to control the inclusions of things like .js and .css page resources.

  • PreferenceFragmentCompat

    Android’s SharedPreferences interface provides a means of privately storing and retrieving key-value data separately for each app installed on a device. This data persists across launches and is purged on uninstall. PreferenceFragmentCompat can be used in place of the Fragment class in activities and in navigation to provide a light-weight UI for viewing and updating those SharedPreferences key-values.

  • Kitten Ascification

    “One of my lifelong ambitions has been to effortlessly generate ascii artwork from stock photos.”−Ansel Adams

  • Embedding d3 in Jekyll

    What follows is a brute force implementation of displaying running javascript and d3 visualizations in a jekyll post. The methods used here are for illustration. A cleaner approach would be to store all 3rd-party javascript libraries under the site’s /assets directory and conditionally import the .js files only in posts that contain a front matter custom variable (e.g. load_d3_libs: true).

  • Embedding Tweets in Jekyll

    Twitter provides support for embedding tweets, timelines, and social sharing icons. Below is a block of html generated by one of twitter’s many web interfaces.

  • Embedding Gists In Jekyll

    Gists are essentially git repositories you can clone and manipulate like you would any of your project. You own the gist (a collection of files), but everyone else has read access. There are no private gists, only secret ones that haven’t yet been posted to the public firehose feed.

  • Welcome to Jekyll!

    You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run bundle exec jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

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